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Jinzhou Institute of Metal Materials

Company: Jinzhou Metal Materials Research Institute Company

Address: Luotaizi, Taihe District, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province

Domestic Trade Department: 0416-4593067




Foreign Trade Department Tel: 0416-4675064

Email address: seller@jzmm.com

Fax: 0416-4675615

Zip code: 121001

Company website: www.jzmm.com/en

Tag search results: Products: 0A, news: 2A

  • [ Industry news ] 硫酸槽液中铝型材离子和杂质的影响

    硫酸槽液中铝型材离子和杂质的影响 槽液中铝型材离子和杂质的影响,容易受到忽视。实际上它们会对氧化膜的耐磨性、光亮度、硬度和槽液的导电性等都有较大的影响。  (1)铝型材离子。在设定氧化电压下,电流密
    Release time:2019-01-28   The number of clicks:1278

  • [ Industry news ] 铝型材质量好坏的判断方法

    铝型材有好有坏,而且购买铝型材的数量庞大,不可能一一检查,为了能够减少不必要的麻烦,选择一个好的厂家很重要,如果了解了影响铝型材质量好坏几大因素,就可以买到放心的材料了。  合金元素  6063合金是铝镁硅为主要
    Release time:2019-01-19   The number of clicks:1113

Address: Luotaizi, Taihe District, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province

Domestic Trade Department Tel: 0416-4593067/4676672 Email: seller@jzmm.com Company website: official zip code: 121001